For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader of comics and fantasy fiction and from this stems my passion for the ultimate struggle of good versus evil. It is this struggle combined with story telling from such greats as David Gemmell and Raymond E Feist, and visual classics such as the original Star Wars trilogy that has given me appreciation for a great story, intense action and inspired my love to create worlds and sagas.

Born and educated in London, I fell into the rat race trap training and becoming an accountant.  Although this 'pays the bills', like all aspiring authors, my ultimate ambition is to escape the hum-drum of the 9-5 routine.  In the long term, I hope to write full time and put my creative talents to better use. 

I now live in Jersey (in the English Channel), with my wife and a large collection of comics.

Contact the Author


What started you in the profession of writing?
Like many people I have always wanted to write a book and see my name in print.  Years ago, I started writing a horror story based in London, but life got in the way (I found my draft recently and damn, it was a dark story).  I then decided to write a fantasy story. Why? I love the genre and had so many fantasy related plots tumbling in my mind I thought why not.  So whilst working as an accountant, I wrote Heroic Death. Luckily, I had saved some money and took a career break to finish Heroic Death (2003) that became the Death Trilogy then I penned Saurian Mages, Slayer, Dusk and Soulless One.  I decided that I wanted to write stories based in other worlds to prove to myself that I have longevity. Until recently, I did not push to get these published.
I have completed the Slayer Trilogy, more recently I have written some short stories and have over 30 other book plots.  Now my aim is to get these stories published for others to, hopefully, enjoy.

Why fantasy?
Why fantasy, I love the genre and have always been told to do what you enjoy. Also I find it easy to plot and write fantasy stories, characters just seem to flow and naturally develop.

What authors or books have been the most significant on your life?
David Gemmell’s Legend, Waylander and King Beyond the Gate are probably the best heroic fantasy stories ever written – in my humble opinion.  I enjoy other authors, Raymond E Fiest, Mario Puzo, Joe R Lansdale’s Hap Collins and Leonard Pine series and more recently James Rollins’ thrillers.
I must add that I am an avid comic collector and stories such as Alan Moore’s Watchman and Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns are included in my top reading list.  Moreover, (to name but a few) writers like Stan Lee, Garth Ennis and Warren Ellis have written wonderful stories, whilst artists like Jack Kirby, Brian Hitch and John Cassaday have brought these stories to life.

Pick two CD’s out of your collection that you’d take with you to a stranded island.
I have quite a diversity of music in my collection from rock to R&B to classical, so for me, this is a hard question. However, I have decided on the two albums below:
Jack Johnson – In Between Dreams
Omar – Best So Far
The first one reminds me of my wife, why… I’m not saying, and the latter is just a cool album. OK, one more, I have to mention Gustav Holst’s The Planets – inspiring writing music.  Oh and maybe, I should mention Nickelback – too many…

And pick one movie.
Oh, now we have a problem. Just one, darn that’s almost impossible! What about a trilogy – that’s kind of one movie – no, is that cheating? Hmmm, let me think for a moment… Damn, just one… Ok, ok, here we go, I pick… Nooooooooooo!!! I have had a similar conversation with my friend, Charlie, trying to pick three and that was bad enough, one… Ok, I pick…
Hold on… why would I want to go to a stranded island, then only be stranded on the island with one movie?  Never!  That gets me out of this difficult question.

Which person do you most admire?
Without doubt my mum, top girl, closely followed by my wife.

What are your strange qualities?
I always have several books and comics going at one time, which I can pick up and continue reading, knowing exactly where I am. Hence, I generally write stories with many interwoven plots.

Other than literary, what are your interests?
As I have mentioned above, I am a huge comic geek, a passion my wife is still trying to beat out of me and failing (ha ha ha – an evil laugh!). I am a F1 Ferrari fan (there’s no other team), play golf badly and other than that, just try to be a good husband and friend.